What is yoga?

The practice of yoga supports physical, mental, and spiritual development that allows you to create the best version of When you hear the word “endurance,” what comes to mind? Completing a marathon When you hear the word “endurance,”

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What is Kundalini Yoga?

The spiritual energy is dormant within us in the form of a coiled serpent lying at the base (Mooladhara) chakra .The awakening of this Kundalini Energy lying at the  root of the spine and taking it to the highest Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) is the goal of all spiritual practices.

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Yoga therapy

While practising yoga there are so many obstacles that may effect our physical  and mental health. And one of the them ,the most important is diseases which is also mentioned in gherunda samhita.

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Hatha yoga

‘Ha’ means sun representing pingala or surya Nadi which  passes through the right side of the spinal cord and  ‘Tha’ means moon representing eda or Chandra Nadi which passes through the left side of the body.

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Ashtanga vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa was discovered by yog master sri krishnamacharya which was recorded in yoga koruntha. He translated and reintroduced the information on palm leaves. It's actually an inner fire awakening.

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Raja yoga

One of the popular and scientific indian philosophy method. It's a Royal path of attaining self realization or enlightenment. Introduced by patanjali maharishi.

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